MS-DOS System Disks
All disks have been imaged using WinImage.
3.5″ Floppy Disk English/US
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.21 and GW-BASIC 3.2
1 x 3.5″ DSDD 720k Diskette
3.5″ Floppy Disk German
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.30A and GW-BASIC
1 x 3.5″ DSDD 720k Diskette
5.25″ Floppy Disk German
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.21 and GW-BASIC 3.2
Standard MS-DOS disks with the addition of the Atari Mouse driver on Disk 1.
2 x 5.25″ DSDD 360k Diskettes
Microsoft MS-DOS 3.21 and GW-BASIC 3.2
“Revision B”
Calling these “Revision B” as they have a more professional looking label, different file arrangement across the two disks and interestingly doesn’t include the Atari Mouse driver. Apart from that they are the same disks as above.
2 x 5.25″ DSDD 360k Diskettes